From the beginning of the creation of the Dome, we knew that sooner or later we should expand the collection with smaller versions that allow us to create lighter spaces. Under these premises were born the Domitas, lamps made with thin wooden slats that converge between them, forming a small dome that keeps inside the LED source. The Domita was intended as individual elements, which, combined with each other, allow us to build large formats of lamps, cascades of light that can generate multiple applications according to the project needs.
There are two possible positions for the pendant collections: Starting from a central canopy, we can redraw with the electric cable the forms that we want in the ceiling and / or wall, just moving the cable away from the natural verticality of the canopy and driving it through a small metallic support that, at the same time, guides the cable and, in extension, also the screen. The second option allows us, from a central canopy, to drop the screens naturally as a cascade pendant lights.